Due to the permanent closure of Burleigh Bazaar, we will now be holding Jimbo's Drag Circus at The Glasshouse, situated in The Island Gold Coast.
The event will still be taking place on Saturday 24th August as previously scheduled. All times (including VIP Packages) will be confirmed in the lead-up to the event as per the T&Cs, however doors will be as per the Ticket at 7pm.
What happens if I already had tickets?
Please keep an eye on your email as you will be allocated new tickets for this venue, with new seats in the coming days. These will come from Megatix. We will do our best to allocate as per the existing seating map, but due to a slightly different layout, these may change slightly. Please note: your previous tickets will no longer work for this new venue.
Please email support@itdevents.com if you have any questions.